SafeAndCertified.com is a leader in online health and safety training and we've made a difference to thousands of people since 2008. Our Clients are Self Employed, Contract Employees, Health and Safety Professionals, Business Owners, HR Professionals and Training Coordinators, Supervisors and Managers who are looking for a way to keep their people safe and meet their safety compliance requirements at the same time.

100% Compliance | Online Delivery | Proof of Delivery

Every year there are new regulations. The ability to manage the amount of training, some of it highly specialized, can be a challenge for many organizations that don't have a full time training department.

The SafeAndCertified.com system is your way to get 100% Compliance through an online delivery system, providing you with proof and documentation showing delivery and completion of required training.

Standard Courses - Customized and Blended Learning

Online Delivery gives you the ability to determine how much or little you deliver online, in a classroom or through a blend of the two. Choose from generic training courses, customizable training courses or blended learning. Fall Protection training is an example of a requirement that can be met with a blended learning. (NOTE: WHMIS is an example of training that can be completed entirely online, while Fall Protection training is an example of a requirement that can be met with a blended learning approach.)

Custom Online Training

Use our Training Platform for your training program.